Overbrook High School Lab Renovation Project

Longo Labs Project at Overbrook High School
2020 was a challenging year for everyone; businesses were shutting down and people were on lockdown in their homes. As the world began to open back up again in the summer, Longo Labs took on a new project. We had the pleasure of completing a project at the Overbrook High School in Pine Hill, NJ working directly with the school district, who utilized the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey (ESCNJ) Purchasing Contract. This allowed them to purchase directly from us and gave them the liberty to decide which products they wanted for their spaces. They wanted the best laboratory equipment for their students within their budget, and that’s exactly what we provided them with.
How long did this Lab Renovation Take?
Longo Labs met with the end user in the winter of 2020, which is when we first evaluated the spaces, came up with an appropriate design, and estimated a budget for the proposal. Fortunately, both our design and estimated budget were approved within a few months, and then the delivery and installation of the products happened in the summer of 2020. So from the time we first evaluated the spaces to the time that the installations happened was about six months. If you know anything about us, then you know that we have been doing projects like this for more than 50 years and are very familiar with every phase of the process.
Projects like This Can be completed in Phases
This project included one art room, four labs, and two prep rooms. However, this was only phase one of the project, with more labs that still need to be updated! As we just mentioned, this project will be completed in phases, which is an option for you as well. Longo Labs allows you the flexibility to phase out your project over a few years. Learn more about our planning and design process.
What Products did We Utilize for this Project?
For our project at Overbrook High School we utilized two mobile student desks, Maplewood casework, utility sinks, resin countertops, and butcher block tables. Feel free to take a look at our educational products. Our products include some of the world’s most advanced equipment, so we are confident that the students at Overbrook will find educational success utilizing these labs for years to come. We are excited to move ahead with the additional phases of the project at this school for the benefit of all of their students and staff.
Contact Us for Your Next Lab Project
Reach out to us for questions or inquiries about your next lab project! Here at Longo Labs we are happy to answer your questions or offer you a free laboratory evaluation for your lab needs. Your students deserve high quality lab equipment like those at Overbrook High School, and your labs deserve the flexible designs that allow for the equipment to be beneficial. Get started today!