Architects and Lab Experts Teamed Up for this Educational Lab Renovation Project

How Our Team of Lab Experts Worked Together with Architects at Dover High School
Every student deserves an equal chance at a high-quality education. When schools renovate and stay up-to-date to provide their students with new facilities and high-quality resources, it allows them to thrive and receive the best education possible. Longo Labs is fortunate to work with several schools, helping them plan, design, and execute renovation projects for classrooms and science labs. Our latest school science lab renovation project took place at Dover High School in Dover, New Jersey. In addition to working with us, the Dover Public School District also teamed up with architecture firm Di Cara Rubino Architects, who closely collaborated with our team throughout the project.
What Role Did Longo Labs Play in the Lab Renovation?
Our lab renovation project at Dover High School was extensive, involving multiple rooms—a chemistry lab, a physics lab, and a prep room. Working with the architects at Di Cara Rubino, our team helped to plan, design, and execute this renovation. Considering the fact that nearly one in five bachelor’s degrees is in the STEM field, it is crucial for school districts to provide their students with high-quality math and science resources, including science labs. By doing so, they are paving the way for student success in college, grad school, and the professional world. Longo Labs is proud to play even a small role in opening the door of opportunity for these students.
What Lab Products did We Use?
For this project, we used many excellent products to give these classrooms a more modern feel. The products that we used included:
- Sheldon Plastic Laminate Cabinets (with writable surfaces on wall & tall cabinets) – With over 250 colors to choose from, these easy-to-clean and lightweight cabinets allow schools to customize their classrooms according to their preference.
- 1” Thick Black Epoxy Resin Counter Tops – These surfaces are durable and sturdy, allowing them to accommodate the needs of modern science labs.
- Resin Drop-In Sinks – Drop-in sinks are top-mounted into a recessed cutout, which allows them to sit without needing undermount support.
- Sheldon Air Foil Fume Hood – This fume hood is designed to allow for minimized turbulence and increased performance.
- Mobile Metal Student Laboratory Tables – Modern classrooms are often changing, and our mobile laboratory tables are versatile and can accommodate the needs of a changing environment.
How Do Schools Afford Renovation Projects?
Many school districts that we work with are able to procure funds for our laboratory renovation projects through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey (ESCNJ) Buying Cooperative. Purchasing contracts allow schools to buy directly from us, giving them the liberty to choose the products used in the renovation while saving them time and money in the process. Also, when schools use our contract purchasing, it allows for them to budget and be more involved. By using the ESCNJ Purchasing Contracts, Longo Labs was able to work directly with the school district and the architects.
Use Longo for Your Next Lab Project
Are you in need of a classroom or laboratory renovation project like Dover High School? Well, Longo Labs is here to help! Reach out to us for questions or inquiries about your next lab project! Our team is happy to offer you a free laboratory evaluation for your science lab needs and answer all of your questions. Let’s get started on your project today!